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5 Reasons Why Most People Fail at Running and How to Fix It

Written By Edibel Quintero, MD

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Fact-checked by Brandy Hall, MD

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Running is a perfect way to stay active and healthy. Undoubtedly it has numerous physical and mental benefits. However, many people are failing and quitting it. Why?

Many runners, especially beginners, are doing themselves a disservice while running without even knowing. What are the main reasons?

Overcoming Running Fail: 5 Main Mistakes And How to Deal With Them

Running is not that easy as it looks in the movies. It requires dedication, motivation, and, most importantly, your time. It’s not easy to accept that you’re failing at something. What are the most common mistakes?

#1 Doing too much too quickly

One of the most common mistakes most beginners make is the “terrible too’s” mistake.

In other words, you get so excited that you decide to run too many miles, too fast, and unfortunately, too soon. From doing nothing to relatively high-volume training in a short period of time.

Many people think that the more and the faster you run, the better. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

Recent studies have shown that “too much, too soon” is responsible for 60% of all running injuries1.

Many of these injuries are musculoskeletal. Or, put differently: these are the injuries that affect bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or tendons that result in pain. 

Running injuries result from external and natural factors that exceed a runner’s capacity to handle an injury.

Runners can reduce the risk of injury by using established training programs that gradually increase the distance or time of running and provide appropriate rest.

#2: Being a one-trick pony

Although routine is important for building commitments and sticking to new habits, a common mistake is a lack of training and running variety. 

Many of us get used to our favorite running routine and don’t want to change anything. While better than doing nothing at all, doing the same thing every day won’t help you build fitness, lose weight, or see progress over time. 

Your body might become pace-driven, meaning you’ll be stuck with the same pace every time you run. In order to progress more quickly, you need to step out of your comfort zone. 

Our bodies are highly adaptable, so we can easily and quickly switch things up without changing our main goal. 

If you’re always going just for a long and steady run, try sprints once in a while. Or, if you like running on a flat surface, change it up with a hill or trail run. 

Also, consider adding intervals to your usual routine. Interval running is an efficient and effective way to improve your cardiovascular health.

When done properly, running intervals can burn up to three times as many calories as a comfortable distance run, even if the total time spent running is the same. 

#3 Overtraining or setting unrealistic goals

Many people want to go from a couch potato to a marathon runner in a few weeks. They wrongly assume that running every day will help them get fitter and faster.  

When we fixate on the numbers and unrealistic goals, we open ourselves up to a negative feedback loop and poor self-esteem.  

Not every day is going to be trending upwards, and if you’re not properly prepared for those little backslides we all have on the way to greater fitness, it could be a rather demoralizing experience. 

Also, overtraining can lead to injures, burnout, and giving up on running too soon.

To avoid overtraining, it’s important to incorporate rest and recovery into your training and increase mileage gradually.

If you notice signs of overtraining, including decreased performance, excessive fatigue, moodiness, insomnia, and loss of appetite, step back and get more rest or active recovery days.

#4 Not tracking workouts 

Tracking running can seem challenging and exhausting, especially if you don’t know which data to track. That’s why most beginners decide not to track their workouts at all. 

However, the benefit of tracking running data is huge. By keeping a proper running log, we can see what’s working and what isn’t in real-time. And that’s very important if you want to progress. 

It’s always a good idea to find a way to track your progress. Celebrating every goal – even short-term – along the way can be very motivating and strengthening.

Some runners decide to track their running manually. This works as long as you don’t want to track more variables or don’t have much data. 

Others use smartphone apps and GPS watches.

There is no shortage of options for tracking and recording run data. The most important thing is to find a solution that works best for you.

#5: Doing Copycat Training

It’s so easy to get trapped into the “Google Curse” and adopt everything that worked for someone else. With a bit of light research, you’ll see thousands of weight loss transformations with tips and techniques on how to make it work for you.

The truth is  – we’re all different. And these mainstream plans don’t include many factors that influence performance, genetics, lifestyle, and fitness levels. 

While hearing what worked for others can help you figure out what to try, it’s almost never going to be exactly what works for you – because there simply isn’t anyone else like you.

Be individual. Learn from the success of others, but listen to your body’s needs first and use a personalized running plan. 

Generic training plans can only take you so far – or nowhere at all. With personalized guidance that focuses on you, you’ll understand how your body works and know exactly what to do to achieve maximum results in the least amount of time – and make it easy at the same time.

How can these blunders be avoided in order to achieve your goals in the shortest period of time while still making it simple?


Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner, these insights above will help you stay motivated, avoid common mistakes, and achieve your fitness and health goals. So, if you’re ready to take your running game to the next level, it’s a perfect day to start!

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Edibel Quintero is a health journalist focusing on all aspects of health and wellness. She has extensive experience as a newspaper columnist, feature writer, and reporter. In her spare time, she serves as governance board vice president for Lakeland STAR School/Academy, a charter school for autistic and diverse learners.

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