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What Is the Difference Between Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreaming?

Written By Edibel Quintero, MD

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Fact-checked by Brandy Hall, MD

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Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are different phenomena that occur during REM sleep. Though they seem different, there are also intriguing similarities between them. See how the two are connected.

Key takeaways:

  • Sleep paralysis occurs when someone becomes aware during REM sleep-induced muscle atonia, while lucid dreaming involves regaining consciousness while still being asleep.
  • Both sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are described as an in-between state of being partially asleep and partially awake.
  • Lucid dreaming is often linked to positive emotions and a feeling of being connected to something greater. In contrast, sleep paralysis is associated with negative emotions like fear and the presence of demons or evil spirits.
  • Lucid dreaming is not for everyone. Inducing them can cause nightmares, sleep disruption, and sleep paralysis in some people.

What is sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move or speak when falling asleep or waking up.

During a sleep paralysis episode, the body becomes paralyzed while the mind remains conscious and fully aware of the surroundings.

Sleep paralysis is linked to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. One of the principal characteristics of this sleep phase is muscle atonia. That means people who experience it can’t move or speak, preventing them from acting out their dreams.

Researchers believe sleep paralysis involves a mixed state between REM sleep and wakefulness. As a result, certain characteristics of REM sleep, such as muscle atonia and vivid mental imagery, persist even when the person is consciously aware.

Sleep paralysis can be quite a terrifying experience. All of a sudden, people feel trapped in this in-between half-sleep, half-wake state. And if that wasn’t scary enough, they start to hear a loud noise, like an engine revving. Their heartbeat races and all they can think is that something terrible is about to happen. Eventually, they learn that these thoughts and sensations are nothing more than hallucinations playing tricks on their minds.

These hallucinations are common and may be present in up to 75% of episodes. Some people feel pressure in their chests, while others report an evil presence in the room. There are even those who experience a sort of out-of-body sensation. No two people will have the same encounter.

While it can be distressing, it’s important to note that sleep paralysis is generally harmless and tends to resolve on its own.

What are lucid dreams?

Lucid dreams are dreams where people aren’t aware that they are dreaming. They are pretty common; estimates say about 55% of people have experienced at least one episode in their lifetime.

Some people have the ability to choose what happens in their dreams while lucid dreaming, but not everyone can achieve this level of control. In a study conducted with lucid dreamers, only 37% said they could manipulate their dreams.

Manipulating dreams as we wish often results in more positive experiences than non-lucid dreams.

Lucid dreamers can certainly have a lot of fun by creating endless dream scenarios. But scientists realized that lucid dreaming could serve as a therapeutic tool to reduce nightmares and alleviate insomnia.

Lucid dreaming has also become a gateway for self-discovery and self-improvement. Many people use them for training specific skills, fostering creativity, and generating innovative ideas.

The idea is that by consciously navigating their dreams, people can confront their fears, gain valuable insights, and unlock hidden aspects of their subconscious mind.

But not all lucid dreams are positive. Lucid nightmares in which the dreamer cannot alter the dream content or wake up can also occur. Lucid dreamers may also struggle to differentiate between their dream experiences and waking reality, causing disorientation or discomfort during the episode.

Because of these and other problems, there has been much debate about whether inducing lucid dreaming is actually beneficial.

Among lucid dreamers, sleep paralysis is often mentioned as one of the most common adverse experiences, but some also report going from sleep paralysis straight into a lucid dream. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how these two states are connected.

Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming: differences and similarities

Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming may appear as entirely different experiences. Sleep paralysis occurs when a person becomes conscious during REM sleep-induced muscle atonia, whereas lucid dreaming involves regaining aspects of consciousness while the person remains asleep.

People have often attributed supernatural or religious significance to lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis. In reality, they’re nothing more than variations in our normal sleep patterns.

Interestingly, lucid dreaming is often associated with a sense of divine connection. It’s been linked to positive emotions like happiness and being connected to something greater than ourselves. On the other hand, sleep paralysis tends to be associated with more negative emotions, like fear and the presence of demons or evil spirits.

In a study, researchers examined factors related to sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming. The findings revealed that sleep paralysis is associated with issues concerning sleep quality and overall well-being. Conversely, lucid dreams were linked to higher imagination and positive imagery during waking hours.

Despite these differences, there are also intriguing similarities between the two. For example, both occur during REM sleep, although lucid dreams can also occur during NREM sleep. Both can be described as a hybrid state between being asleep and awake.

Lucid dreams and sleep paralysis bring about a heightened level of awareness compared to regular REM sleep. Individuals also remember having a lucid dream or an episode of sleep paralysis upon awakening.

Tips to prevent sleep paralysis and lucid dreams

Sleep paralysis can be an unpleasant experience. Due to its connection with common sleep problems, one of the ways to prevent it is to improve sleep hygiene. This involves:

  • Bedtime. Establishing regular times for going to bed and waking up.
  • Limitation. Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, especially in the evening.
  • Relax. Having a relaxing sleeping routine, ensuring the bed, mattress, and pillows are cozy, and the bed is dark and quiet.
  • No electronics. Avoiding electronic devices, including smartphones, at least one hour before bedtime.
  • Exercise. Practicing regular physical activity.
  • Don’t eat. Avoiding heavy meals before going to bed.

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), a type of talk therapy, may also help to reframe negative thoughts and emotions that detract from sleep. Sleep paralysis usually resolves spontaneously, but if someone experiences persistent anxiety about going to bed or chronic fatigue, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

Since lucid dreams are typically linked with positive emotions, some people seek to induce them instead of avoid them. However, lucid dreaming can have negative consequences, such as nightmares and disturbed sleep. By focusing on improving sleep habits through sleep hygiene, individuals may find relief. If lucid dreaming interferes with restful sleep, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for further assistance.

Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are intertwined, but their relationship is still unclear. Lucid dreaming usually gives rise to pleasant experiences, while sleep paralysis can be more on the negative side. Researchers are not sure about the consequences of intentionally inducing lucid dreams. There might be some unexpected effects we need to watch out for. Good sleep habits should help prevent both sleep paralysis and lucid dreams.


  1. Stat Pearls. Sleep Paralysis.
  2. Journal of Clinical Medicine. Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreaming—Between Waking and Dreaming: A Review about Two Extraordinary States.
  3. Sleep Advances. Benefits and concerns of seeking and experiencing lucid dreams: benefits are tied to successful induction and dream control.
  4. Journal of Sleep Research. Terror and bliss? Commonalities and distinctions between sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and their associations with waking life experiences.
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Edibel Quintero is a health journalist focusing on all aspects of health and wellness. She has extensive experience as a newspaper columnist, feature writer, and reporter. In her spare time, she serves as governance board vice president for Lakeland STAR School/Academy, a charter school for autistic and diverse learners.

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