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Why This New Pain Relief Solution Could Make Regular Pain Killers Obsolete

Written By Edibel Quintero, MD

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Fact-checked by Brandy Hall, MD

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A new kind of pain relief solution that more and more doctors are starting to recommend their patients is gaining popularity across the world.

These new pain relief knee patches could be as effective as regular pain killers while not causing the side effects that come with regular medication usage.

The use of knee patches for pain relief has become a more popular method for managing chronic pain. But despite its worldwide usage, people who have tried traditional knee patches don’t see it as a long-term solution for relieving pain.

And when asked why knee patches didn’t work for them, the same answers keep coming back: “they fall off after a few hours”, “too strong of a smell”, or “they irritated my skin.”

However, these new QTPain™ pain relief knee patches could well make regular painkillers obsolete in 2024…

As the efficacy and popularity of these new pain relief knee patches rise, they pose a significant threat to traditional drug manufacturers. These pharmaceutical giants, accustomed to dominating the pain relief market, now face a potential loss of a substantial market share. 

Recognizing the potential of these patches some drug manufacturers have even attempted to stifle the growth of innovative competitors. 

Their fear is palpable: if these patches become the go-to solution for pain relief, it could mean a massive shift in the industry, moving away from pills and towards more targeted, personalized solutions.

Captured at the ‘Pharmacy Reimagined’ conference. Image source: John Smith Photography.

In a few seconds, we’ll talk about a new “enhanced” form of knee pain relief patches that may allow you to reach a comfortable and pain-free state faster than traditional knee patches. But first, let’s see what science really has to say about knee pain relief…

What Science Has To Say About Pain Relief Knee Patches

While some people remain skeptical about the benefits of pain relief knee patches, multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies suggest that these patches could provide targeted and long-lasting relief.

For instance, a clinical study conducted on 103 individuals with knee osteoarthritis found that pain relief patches significantly reduced pain and were a safe and effective treatment.[1]

Another study [2] also found that pain relief patches successfully reduced pain, opioid pain rescue load, and systemic side effects for people with knee arthroplasty.

Graph from a research study: clinexprheumatol.org/article.asp?a=2009

“Knee patches actually increase comfort, they can definitely be a substitute for painkillers. So, there are really profound benefits to it.”

Dr. Sophia Carter, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Chicago

“For people dealing with chronic pain, using these patches will help them find relief, and it probably won’t cause any inconvenience or discomfort.”

Dr. Ethan Harris, Orthopedic Specialist, Boston

Pain relief patches have clearly made their name across the world as an effective solution for people struggling with knee pain. So, now let’s talk about everything you need to know about this “enhanced” pain relief solution called QTPain™ Pain Relief Patches.

Why These New “Enhanced” Pain Relief Patches Could Make Regular Pain Killers Obsolete

To overcome the main challenges of traditional pain relief methods, an innovative company named QTPain™ has recently introduced a new form of personalized pain relief solution that could make regular painkillers seem outdated.

While traditional pain relief patches offer a one-size-fits-all solution, QTPain™ recognized that knee pain is not universal. 

Different individuals experience different types of knee problems, each with its unique pain syndromes and underlying causes. This understanding led to the realization that a single type of patch cannot effectively address the diverse range of knee problems.

To bridge this gap, the QTPain™ team has done extensive research. Collaborating with some of the most renowned specialists in the field, they invested $110,000 in research to determine which mix of active ingredients would be most effective for each unique knee issue.

The result? A quiz designed to understand an individual’s specific knee problems and allowing QTPain™ to tailor-make a patch with a mix of ingredients that target those exact symptoms. 

This personalized approach ensures that the patch addresses the root cause of the pain, offering more effective and long-lasting relief.

QTPain™ Pain Relief Patches are about targeting the pain right at its source, providing localized relief without the need for medications

These patches contain personalized active ingredients that are slowly released into the affected area, providing continuous relief.

Witness the Process of QTPAIN™ Patch Releasing Ingredients and Targeting Pain Source

After applying the patch, the active ingredients begin to enter your body through the skin, reaching the affected area and providing relief. 

This targeted approach is known as “localized therapy”, and it is during this state that people can find relief from chronic pain – because the patch focuses on the specific area and symptoms, rather than just the whole body.

QTPain™ has achieved remarkable success thus far, selling out three times already. The numerous positive reviews they’ve received further prove their effectiveness.

Discover How Much Pain Can Be Relieved Using FlexiZen

Thousands of people have achieved truly life-changing transformations thanks to this personalized pain relief plan from QTPain™.

You can get personalized QTPain™ pain relief patches by taking a quick 60-second quiz now.

Right after this quiz, QTPain™ will generate a personalized solution with the best pain relief solution for you.

Take the quiz while their special 70% off offer lasts here:

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Written by

Edibel Quintero is a health journalist focusing on all aspects of health and wellness. She has extensive experience as a newspaper columnist, feature writer, and reporter. In her spare time, she serves as governance board vice president for Lakeland STAR School/Academy, a charter school for autistic and diverse learners.

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