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Running 2 Miles a Day: Step Into a Healthier Lifestyle

Written By Edibel Quintero, MD

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Fact-checked by Brandy Hall, MD

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If you are new to running, 2 miles a day can become a great start. Two miles is long enough to challenge yourself but not too much that it’s unbearable. 

With running 2 miles a day, you’ll be able to notice improved health and weight-loss results quickly. This specific distance has numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. 

Can this running distance transform your body and mind?

Running 2 Miles a Day: 5 Key Benefits of Mastering this Distance

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise for a reason. It doesn’t need much equipment, and you can do it just about anywhere or anytime it is suitable for you. All you need is a pair of shoes – and you’re good to go.

You can run alone, you can run with your friends, you can even run with your dog if you want to! Running is very versatile and can be easily tailored to your lifestyle and goals. 

More importantly, running is great for our health and can lower the risk of death by 23–30%. Read on to learn more about the amazing benefits of running 2 miles a day. 

#1 Physical transformation

Many people think they must do the heavy lifting and train certain parts of the body to sculpt a fit and strong body. The truth is, running is one of the best examples of balanced whole-body exercise. It can help you equally develop all your muscles and make you an all-around fitter and stronger person. 

‌At the beginning of your run, your quadriceps (large muscles on the front of your thigh) are doing most of the work. As your body moves forward, the effort shifts into the muscles on the upper back of your calf. So running daily wonderfully works your quads, hamstrings, and calves. Which leads to your legs becoming more muscular and toned. 

But running not only tones your legs. When you run, your glutes provide the power to push your body further. This means you work on your glutes and hips as well, resulting in a bigger and stronger booty. 

Running also uses your core to balance and coordinate movements. So your upper body, arms, and abs become stronger and more toned too. 

Let’s not forget that the physical impact of running is also known to increase your bone thickness. People who run every day have stronger leg bones, pelvis, and spine. However, beginners must take things slowly and not overwork to really strengthen their bones and not cause any bone fractures. 

Moreover, by getting your heart rate up and improving blood circulation through running, you help deliver oxygen and nutrients to your skin. This promotes collagen production and new skin cells keeping the skin glowing and preventing aging.

#2 Burning calories

How many calories do you burn while running 2 miles? The specific number depends on your weight. On average, running burns about 100 calories per mile. Running involves continuously moving your entire body weight. Because of that, it burns more calories than most other activities.

To be more exact, we can use a study by Harvard Health Publishing. If a 125lb person runs at a pace of 12 minutes per mile, they will burn approximately 240 calories per 30 minutes. A 185lb person will burn 336 calories when running for about half an hour. Running for 2 miles a day works out to approximately 192–284 calories burned during your daily run.

Running: 5mph (12min/mile)125lb person155lb person185lb person
Calories burned in 30min240288336

Chart based on Harvard Health Publishing

What’s great about running is that you don’t have to worry about speed when it comes to calorie burn. You can burn the same calories by running for a more extended time if you want to run at a slower pace. This means you can enjoy your everyday two-mile run and still burn calories without any need to run faster. 

When you run, you’re using your body’s energy to push your body forward and coordinate movements. That energy is fueled by calories. This is why you burn a lot of calories through running. 

#3 Weight loss

Since running burns many calories, this is one of the best ways to lose weight through exercise. Combined with a balanced diet, running 2 miles a day can help you lose weight and see results quickly. 

How much weight you’ll lose depends on many factors: your body composition, weight, gender, diet, and physical activity level. 

Don’t be worried if the scales won’t go down right away. As you already know, your whole body is involved while you run, which means your muscles are getting stronger every time you run. 

Muscles weigh more than body fats because they’re more dense than fat. This is why the scales might not show the decreased number initially. 

Muscle growth is one of the factors why you can quickly lose weight running. Muscles increase your metabolism. This means the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn when you’re resting.

If you continue running 2 miles a day for at least a couple of weeks, you will start to see weight loss results soon. As running makes muscles stronger, you will not only lose weight, but your body will also look leaner and toner. 

#4 Cardiovascular benefits

One of the most important benefits of running is improved heart health. Many studies have declared a positive connection between running and cardiovascular health.  

One of these studies was made in 2014 by the Journal of American College of Cardiology. Scientists looked at the data of 55,137 adults between the ages of 18 and 100 over 15 years. They found that running even 5 minutes a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses related to death. Not to mention the benefits of running 2 miles a day! 

The study showed that people who run have a 30% lower risk of all causes and a 45% lower risk of death from heart diseases or stroke compared to non-runners. The results remained the same regardless of age, sex, BMI, and health condition. 

Running also lowers and normalizes blood pressure. Daily running makes your heart stronger. A stronger heart can pump more blood. As a result, the pressure on your arteries decreases, reducing your blood pressure as well.

Moreover, the stronger heart also increases oxygen intake, which helps your heart pump a larger amount of blood per beat. This results in minimizing the heart’s workload and making it easier for your heart to perform. 

#5 Mental transformation

Studies show that running releases feel-good endorphins and other natural brain chemicals. They enhance your sense of well-being and alleviate depression symptoms. It’s a natural mood boost!

Hormones released during and after your daily run help your body relax and sleep more deeply. To put it simply – running also enables you to sleep better.

If you want to read more about the mental health benefits of running, we have prepared an article dedicated only to this topic.

Why Should You Consider Running 2 Miles a Day?

2 miles a day doesn’t take long and offers physical and mental health benefits regardless of your experience level therefore it’s an ideal distance for beginners.

This daily running habit transforms your body by burning body fat and building muscles. You can soon expect a leaner and toner body and improved health, especially cardiovascular, even if you’re already at a healthy weight. By running 2 miles a day, your heart and lungs will become stronger which results in improved stamina and endurance.

Running 2 miles a day also has numerous benefits for your mental health. Such as improved mood, reduced depression and anxiety symptoms, and better sleep!

It’s important not to forget that any type of running comes with a certain degree of risk of injury. Especially if you are starting from not running at all to running 2 miles a day. That’s why it’s essential to take things gradually and work your way up slowly. You can reduce the risks by always warming up, staying hydrated, and choosing a safe running plan.

We know that jumpstarting a new running habit may be difficult for beginners. To avoid some of the challenges you may encounter running 2 miles a day, we encourage working with highly qualified fitness experts. They will help you progressively get into the routine. 

A Word From our RD

Running is an excellent form of aerobic exercise, and it has become more and more popular in recent years. It helps to lose weight, builds stronger muscles, a healthier heart, and helps develop a healthier mental state. 

People don’t particularly need to run very long and challenging distances to see results fast. 2 miles a day is a great goal to get started. Runners who tend to keep running daily will quickly see progress. This distance also helps beginners stay motivated to continue their running journey.

Unfortunately, with running comes injuries due to wrong information and improper training. Running too far, too fast, too soon can weaken your muscles and put you at risk for injury. It’s best to run an achievable distance, for example, 2 miles a day, and not push yourself too hard to avoid injuries. It’s also essential to give your body time to rest and recover.

Whatever your running goal is, a good running plan will help you get there safely. The plan should include a valid starting point, a recovery program, and how to keep from getting hurt.


Running 2 miles a day can significantly impact your life. It makes you stronger, boosts overall function, and prevents symptoms of depression or anxiety.

The number of miles you run, how often you run, and what time of day you run are all personal decisions. However, whatever your goal may be, running 2 miles a day is one of the best distances for your health and well-being.

2 miles a day is a perfect distance to start with and keep going without getting burnout. It’s an achievable amount of running, which leads to visible and tangible results within the first weeks.

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Edibel Quintero is a health journalist focusing on all aspects of health and wellness. She has extensive experience as a newspaper columnist, feature writer, and reporter. In her spare time, she serves as governance board vice president for Lakeland STAR School/Academy, a charter school for autistic and diverse learners.

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